Tuesday 3 September 2013

It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3! Check Out what you Need to Know About Clear Skin

It’s happened again. Your face has been bombarded with acne and you don’t know what to do about it. Well, the good news is you have BN Beauty to let you in on all you need to know about dealing with acne and dirty pores.
So what are the things you have to know?
1. First of all, rumor has it that acne isn’t caused by dirt. According to Dr. Howard Murad, blackheads are not caused by dirt build up but in reality are caused by oxidization {click here for to watch the video}. This is the same thing that happens to an apple when you bite it and leave it open – it starts to turn brown.
Oxidization is basically when oxygen mixes with electrons present in the air and gets on to your skin.
2. There is no certified negative ingredient in exfoliating scrubs. However some of the best ingredients for treating acne that should be present in any scrub are salicylic, glycolic and lactic acids.
These acids are commonly used in fungicides and help clear the oxidized agents from your face.
3. Never pick at your black heads. If you absolutely need to get them out, use a warm compress or a bowl of hot water.
Place your face over the bowl and bring it close to the water. Then, cover your head over the bowl with a thick cloth and stay there for a while. Make sure the entire bowl and head are covered. This helps you sweat which in turn releases the oxidized substances and makes your skin a lot softer. This would then make your skin soft and easy to extract black or white heads from.
If you are not comfortable with this then you can dip a face cloth in a bowl of hot water, leave it to cool off a little, and place over your face. This serves the same purpose as the warm compress.
4. You get new skin every month so if you want to get a facial peel, you should do this monthly.
5. Pores do not open and close. There are however some circumstances that lead to having larger pores like different skin procedures, age and sex (men have larger pores than women).
Now that you have that in your think tank. Here are some easy tips to help you clear your pores and be that much closer to healthy skin.
Always Wash your Face
We have all had those days – You get home tired and sleepy then you manage to change into your pyjamas. As you get to the bed and rub your eyes, you realize your make up is still on. Then you go “One night wont kill me, Ill exfoliate in the morning“. I have definitely had those.
It is never good to leave your makeup on while you sleep. The makeup you have had on all day would end up irritating your skin and clogging your pores thus worsening your skin’s state.
Use a Mask
Using a mask is a great way to clear the skin’s pores. They usually come in a gel or paste and are applied directly to the face and left to dry. As the mask dries, it hardens and takes a lot of the dirt etc from the pores leaving your skin clearer.
In the case where you don’t have a mask, there is a simple DIY with lemons and honey that can do the same job. The lemon juice is a great exfoilaint for your skin and helps brighten it while the honey is an anti bacterial agent that helps cleanse the skin.
Get 2 spoons of honey and mix it with half a lemon. Then apply the mixture to the skin and leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse off. You can also apply the honey directly to the lemon and use it as a handy facial scrub on your face.
This is another great way to get rid of dirty pores. Use a good exfoliant that has salycilic acid, glycolic or lactic acid to wash your face and lift all that dirt and oil from your skin.
Exfoliate often but not too much that you begin to irritate your skin. However, if this happens, be sure to use a moisturizer to get some moisture back in your skin and fix all the dryness and irritation.  
Always cleanse your skin. Cleansing penetrates deep into your pores, lifting and removing impurities while nourishing and softening the skin. You can decide to cleanse twice a week or everyday, it depends on your skin type and personal preference.
For those who would rather use a natural mixture to get rid of clogged pores, you can achieve that using plain yogurt, honey and olive oil. Mix 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 of olive oil and mix together until it turns into a fine paste.
Apply the mixture to your face, making sure you avoid the sensitive areas like under your eyes and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
See a Dermatoligist
Sometimes it is just better to let the professionals do their job. You can make an appointment with a legitimate dermatologist for periodic skin treatments

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