Wednesday, 25 September 2013

My Ex-Husband Is A Coward Ass – AfroCandy

AfroCandy 7
AfroCandy, the Nigerian soft porn actress is one woman who does not hide her feelings and this time, she has taken her ex-husband to the cleaners by calling him a coward ass. Aside calling the man despicable names for abandoning her and her kids since 2007, she is also bitter that he has been going round to paint her black.
In her words, the mother of two said: “Well, I wouldn’t care about what a disgruntled ex-husband is going about saying. I am not a ‘hooker.’ I have not hooked up with his father, his brothers or anybody he knows before. Every allegation against me is false, merely based on assumptions and hearsay.
I guess you should be asking me how I manage to single handedly raise the children he abandoned me with since 2007. When he abandoned us, he went to Nigeria and sold the home I struggled to build for us. I did not ask him for a dime.
He never even mentions that in any interview, yet he has no shame tarnishing my image everywhere, not caring about how the children will eat, survive, cloth or if there’s a roof over their heads. At least, I did not walk away like his coward ass. If he had any conscience, he should be praying for me, not trying to pull me down. As a matter of fact, he has not spent a dime on raising the children since 2007. Fact is, I have moved on and I’m focusing on my career and raising my kids. An ex is an ex, so please, leave it where it belongs.”

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