It’s probably a little child that doesn’t know that only men produce. For your sperm to be fertile enough to cause any woman to be pregnant then, its quality has to be of outmost priority to you because having a low quality sperm or low sperm count can be seen as a form of infertility. While in some cases, drugs and some form of corrective medications is often recommended as a remedy, you can also improve the quality of your sperm naturally without resort to any drugs or medication.
Here are some tips that can help you naturally increase the quality of your sperm.
Don’t over heat your testicles: – It’s not by choice or chance that our testicles are located outside our body. Our body temperature is too high compared to what our testicles needs in order to produce sperm effectively. Therefore, we should allow for a cooler environment for our testicles. This can be made possible by wearing pants and undies that are not too tight, but are spaced enough to allow for easy passage of air and aeration within. You should also resist the temptation of putting on too much clothes especially if you happen to find yourself in the tropics or other places of hotter climate. You should also keep off from hot environment, too much batting with hot water or prolong stay inside hot water.
Change your life style and habit: – If smokers are liable to die young, don’t you think that too much smoking can lead to low sperm count and also watery sperm? In fact when you complain of fertility problem as a man, the first question the doctors will ask you if you smokes or drinks. So, quit smoking today and save your health. Drinking of alcohol is a life style you should consider dropping if you want to have a quality and high sperm count. Alcohol, apart from its negative effect on the liver, can lead to the boosting of the level of estrogen in the body and impedes the production of testosterone in the process; which is linked to sperm health and production.
Stop self-service: – Surprised? Oh, you shouldn’t be. self-servicing can lead to low quality of sperm and low sperm count because as you self-service, you also Erupt in the process. If this trend continues, your body system will be accustomed to frequent expulsion thereby making you to be discharging always and also producing watery sperm in the process. But if you stop self-service, the sperms that you should have been discharging will store up in your body, making you to have gazillions of sperms and also making sure that your sperm is not watery.
Keep away from toxins: – Try as much as possible to limit the contact you have with chemicals. Put on protective wears and gloves to protect you from harmful chemicals. Also be very careful when spraying chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides.
Lose weight: – Much has been said about the advantages of losing excess weight. Obese men are more likely to have poor quality and low sperm count when compared to their non-obese counterpart. It has been speculated that excess fat in the thigh causes the testicles to overheat. You can hit the gym today and start burning off those fats or try this weight loss product. If you are the busy type or probably have a tight schedule and cannot go the gym, why not give pure Acai Berry a try. Pure Acai Berry is an efficient weight loss product you can use to lose weight without going to the gym.
Look into your diets: – The type of food you eat, has a correlation to how healthy and quality your sperm is, therefore you have to look into the kind of food you consume. Why not consider eating more of vegetables, whole grains and foods that are rich in protein. Soda and coke should be avoided. Foods containing high percentage of soy should be avoided as soy can lead to some level of estrogen in the body which is good for women and not good for men. Instead, try nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, cashews e.t.c.
Stay clear of STDs: – Sexually transmitted disease such as Chlamydia can hamper the quality of your sperm as it can interfere with the passage of your sperm.
Take supplements: – Try taking some food supplements that are rich in vitamins A & C, zinc and folic acid. These supplements can help to increase the level of testosterone e.g. zinc, prevents sperm clumping e.g. vitamin C. you can also try selenium, vitamin C, fatty acid and vitamin B12.
Why not buy yourself some time? – Stress can cause depression, affects your brain and also impedes proper operation of testosterone. Stress can also lead to infertility because it lowers the level of testosterone in the body. Don’t over work yourself trying to earn a fat pay check at the end of the month instead, catch some rest and save yourself from danger of infertility.
Be disciplined: -You may be wondering what this means, but you will agree with me that it takes being disciplined to quit smoking, self-service, alcohol and to even follow these ten steps outlined here. So, just put some level of discipline today and you will see a dramatic change in your situation.
Culled from Health Niche
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